Friday, November 11, 2011

Thugs, Drugs and The War on Bugs

When I first moved to Northern California I was introduced to all sorts of ideas about health care. 

I learned about eastern vs. western medicine, I took Valerian root to ease my anxiety. I started eating whole foods because I learned about the dangers of high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils.

It was when I got pregnant with my daughter that I started to look at western medicine from a new view. I didn't see all the need for interventions and why oh why were there SO many c-sections in New York City? Why did hospitals have higher c-section rates then midwifes and home births.

Thugs, Drugs and the War on Bugs talks about these issues, is healthcare in America really helping us the way that it should?

The book shows a whole new view of the health care system, one from an  outside perspective, one that's not a paid advertisement for pharmaceutical and vaccines.

For some reason it seems crazy to me that the 4th leading cause of death in America is properly perscribed medication and that hospitals are the third!

Before you make decisions on your health care read Doctor Brad Case's book, if  for nothing else it will give you a perspective that's a bit different and make you think about any health procedures before you decide to take the leap.

I would love to go into my conspiracy theories, about evil hospitals, but there isn't enough time for that.  The way that we believe now is the way that we have always been taught, its up to us to get as much information as we can about the realities of our health now if we want to change the future.

Thugs, Drugs and the War on Bugs is the first book in a series by Doctor Brad Case, and includes The 20 Steps to Perfect Health. The book is long and easy to get lost in,

So get informed, check it out!

I received a  free copy of Thugs Drugs and the War on Bugs for this review. all opinions are  100% mine. I did not receive any monetary payments for this review.

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